Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sunday night reflection

Sunday night reflection......It was a relaxing weekend, and great time hanging out with the Hubby.

Saturday (May 12th) Started off with a nice walk on the Harpeth River green way.  Kevin & I then took a drive through Bowie State park, followed by a nice walk around downtown.  Kevin & I went down to the Arcade, but that was a bust since all the stores were close.  We were walking on    4th Ave when I started taking a picture of this cool building.  The barber outside of Red's told us the building use to be a brothel back in the day.  The other fact about the building is Lenny Kravatz has his office on the top floor.  We followed that up with the kids over for play time then a trip to Cori's Dog house.  

Sunday (May 13th) Mother's day.  It has been rainy day and day of cleaning, which needed to be done for a while.  Until I get a call from Morgan that he needed me to take him to the "Red Ball" store (aka Target).  Pick up the kiddos for a trip to the store, ended up with dino leggos, whack a mole game, and yet another mermaid barbie doll. What can I say, Lala is weak when it comes to the kiddos.  We then headed to the airport to pick up Mom & Dad and shared a pizza with them.  Now my sweet hubby is hanging a new kitchen light for me......

Now to see what this up coming holds :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

First 11 days of May.......

I know I am behind on my blogging, but I guess that means I have been living life and having fun.  However, if this is any indication of what the summer 2012 is going be like we are going to be busy.

May 4th Started with going to the kids school and going on their field trip to Bowie State park.  It was lots of fun.  I got to watch Bella do her presentation on Jupiter.  She totally rocked it.  After the field trip she got the science award for Ms. Hall's class.  Jonah got the respect award for Ms. Brassell's class, and Morgan got the ___ award for Ms. Carico's class.  

After the school field trip, I ran up to Vanderbilt and was able to watch my partner Danett get recognize for 2012 Nurse of the Year for VMG.

Followed up with the kiddos birthday party at Bubby & Zaidy's.... What a crazy packed day 

May 5th:   Triplets 6th birthday !!!  Mom& Dad took off for a week vacation in California.  We took the kids to New Johnsonville for Baker & Aiden's birthday party.  It was great seeing Stacey and the boys.  Stacey was really sweet and got the kids b-day presents.  Afterwards, We stopped my the grave site for Kevin's Mom & Dad.  The kids decided to make a game out of jumping off the headstone. Only them.  Then we brought them home to our house for a sleep over.

May 6th:  Kids birthday party at Dragon park.  It was a great party even with a major thunderstorm and all.  The magician Rodney was great he worked right through the thunder and lighting.  The best part was when Jonah turned to me and said this was the BEST party ever.  It made everything worth it.

May 8th:  The check engine light came on the TL, so we had to tow the car off to the dealership for repair.  We  were so nervous as to what could be wrong.

MAY 9th:  Nurses' Day celebrations at work:)

May 10th:  Acura called to say the coil pack had gone bad, specifically the #2 coil.   Cha ching $   Then about 4pm I get a message from Julie to call asap.  Call and Morgan had busted his forehead open at Bethany's and could I pick the Jonah & Bella so she could take Morgan to get stitches.  The good news was the pediatrician was able to use liquid stitches to glue Morgan's head back together.

May 11th:  I got wonderful flowers from Kevin delivered to work.  Came home from work and Kevin & I went out for sushi dinner, and here I am now blogging.

My biggest thing I have not exercised in the last 10 days.  I need to get my butt moving as I have a 5K next weekend for the Great Stride walk.   

Monday, April 30, 2012

What a Weekend

What a Weekend !!
The weekend started off at 4am on Saturday i.e Race Day!  Headed down to LP stadium to park the car and catch the bus to centennial park the Race zone. Even though my training didn't get me ready for the 1/2 marathon like planned, the mini marathon was lots of fun.  So, at 6:20am the called the mini marathoners to the 1st corral.  Yep, we left at 6:45 am giving us a 15 minute start over the rest of the marathoners.  The course wasn't bad.  It went down  25th Ave & West End/Broadway, then left turn on 4th Ave to Union Street, and then Right turn and on to LP Stadium.  It was really special seeing my husband as I crossed the finish line.  

 That night met up with Kimberly  Farmer and Cathy Ellis at Gilda's club, then headed downtown for the post race concert.  The concert was Glorinia and Rodney Atkins is was pretty B-rated show.   Then had a street dog and headed home. 
 Sunday, stained the deck.  Then grab a sub and headed to downtown Franklin for the street fair.  We then hit Ivey's a had  cupcake.   I must admit I have way over eat this weekend.    I am going to use the tickler to track my weight.  So let the truth begin.  

<a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Weight Loss</a> Tools</small></p>

Friday, April 20, 2012


So today when I was working out at the downtown YMCA, I had an epiphany.  I was no longer waking up at 4:30am to workout at 5am for the obligation of meeting my friend at the gym.  I was working for ME, because I want too.  So I shared this with my friend Kimberly that I was meeting at the Y, and as always she had great words of wisdom.

"That mindset is truly what it takes to have success (from my experience thus far). You can do this...I KNOW because your life/career accomplishments are not just 1/2 This week has been really tough for me. I have managed to workout a couple of days in the neighborhood but the Y has not been possible due to life in general this week. I will be reviving the blog today..last post was a week ago I think. Today was weigh day :) Also, worked out this AM in the neighborhood so I feel motivated for the 6 tomorrow...I think."

So today I weighed at 306.0 lbs. (Yes, I did it I admitted my weight).  I am down 2 pounds for the week.  I am not sure I will get my big walk in this week.  But I did have a great workout this morning.  I walked 1 mile on the treadmill and biked 3+miles on a level 7.  However, I am hoping to stain the deck this weekend, which will be some physical activity.   

Morning Sunrise 4/20/12

Excited for the weekend, the predators are playing at home tonight and are eligible to clinch around 1 of the playoffs.   Morgan is spending the night as his reward for taking his m injections all week like a big guy.   Saturday night we have Alice's birthday party and I think the triplets are sleeping over after as I have promised them and they won't let me forget.....   
RIP Gnash